Saturday, January 18, 2025

All Fit for a fun run?

After a successful launch last year, the Rotary Allfit Coastal Run in Beachlands, is all set for the next Fun Run on Sunday November 4. The idea behind the Fun Run is to raise money for charity.

“Last year’s money helped a number of young people with mental health issues. This year the proceeds will continue that theme: to help young people in the area,” says Alex Garden, organiser of the event and president of the Pohutukawa Coast Rotary Passport Club.

Rotary Club of Pohutukawa Coast is organising a coastal fun run on Sunday November 4. Photo supplied

“The idea behind it is to create an event that allows non-profit groups, businesses and residents to be involved to provide, and add to, a sense of community on the Pohutukawa Coast area. Modern living is often too stressful and sedentary. This event hopes to encourage people to enjoy getting outdoors and gaining fitness to improve their physical and mental well-being.”

•    Events: 10km and 5km run/walks, plus a school relay for years 5-8
•    Route: Races start from Duder Regional Park (10km, school relay) and Maraetai Beach (5km)
•    Traffic management: A half road closure of Maraetai Coast Road
•    Transport: Buses from Te Puru Park, Beachlands to Duder Regional Park
•    Prizes: For winning runners plus lots of spot prizes including a Viking 2+1 Kayak

The organisers are still looking for groups who would like to sell goods or offer a service at the Te Puru finish; businesses who would like to support the event and charity by donating goods for prizes; volunteers who would like to help out on the race weekend.

Website: RotaryCoastalRun.nz for online entry, pricing and other information. Early bird: available until midnight on Saturday October 12.



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