Friday, February 28, 2025

Anger over ‘horrific’ parking problem

Contractors’ vehicles are causing damage to grass berms in Pakuranga. Times photo Wayne Martin

Previously plush, green grass berms in two east Auckland streets have been transformed into mud due to workers at a nearby construction project driving over and parking on them.

A woman who lives in Snell Place, Pakuranga, told the Times about her frustration at the actions of workers involved in construction work at Edgewater Village in nearby Edgewater Drive.

Numerous berms in front of properties in the two streets are badly damaged and have lost a large amount of their grass to the extent they’re now just mud.

The resident, who doesn’t want to be identified, describes the parking problems as “horrific”.

She says she’s made numerous phone calls to Auckland Council about the issue and has also phoned the council on behalf of neighbours who are not native English speakers.

Orange cones have since been placed halfway down one side of Snell Place and there are also cones along Edgewater Drive.

“Many vehicles have been ticketed for parking illegally close to driveways where many neighbours have not been able to get out of their driveways, mine included,” she says.

“Twice I’ve had to ring the police for a neighbour and a contractor arguing and a contractor’s car parked on my rental property with aggressive behaviour.

“After work, especially on Fridays, contractors have in the past grouped together drinking for hours with music blaring in the park.”

The resident says the biggest problem is at a nearby street corner where she once had to brake suddenly in her vehicle due to a lack of visibility from parked vehicles.

Another woman, who moved from Snell Place earlier this year, says the problem was bad enough when she left, “but now it is a nightmare for residents with what looks like a new set of contractors lining the streets and blocking the traffic”.

She says Metlifecare, which owns Edgewater Village, should have made contact with local residents about the work being carried out.

“There seems to be no on-site parking.

“We all realise parking for their workers is a huge problem, but those who reside in Snell Place didn’t ask for such a big construction to go up and they’re just expected to live with it.”

Metlifecare chief executive Earl Gasparich says the company is conscious of the disruption being caused to local residents due to the construction work at Edgewater Village.

“Throughout the project we have been working as quickly as possible with our contractors to address issues as that have been raised.

“This includes damaged grass on neighbouring berms, which we have committed to replanting.

“The development at Edgewater Village is significant in scope and will, once completed, provide many modern, attractive new homes and a care centre for local residents.

“A construction project this size does unfortunately cause inconvenience and we apologise for the impact on the local community.”

Auckland Transport spokeswoman Natalie Polley says there were about 20 infringement notices issued on Edgewater Drive and Snell Place this year, but none from the end of June onward.

“The infringements ranged from parking on broken yellow lines, parking on the footpath and too close to driveways.”

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