Thursday, February 27, 2025

Anzac crosses in place

Residents are welcome to add their own personal tribute on a cross to their relatives who served New Zealand and are no longer with us. Photo Janine Hickmore.

Howick and districts locals will see that white crosses are again displayed on Stockade Hill in support of the upcoming Anzac Day commemorations.

Former Howick RSA president Mike Cole said, “The crosses enforce the remembrance ethos and as such some are identified by the names of the veterans who paid the ultimate sacrifice and are displayed on the cenotaph.

“In keeping with the temperance theme, citizens are welcome to add their own personal tribute on a cross to their relatives who served NZ and are no longer with us.

“Please do not mark the crosses in marker pen and if the tribute is to be kept, the tribute must be removed by Friday April 30.”

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