- By Sergeant Brett Meale of Howick Police
As we head into the Christmas shopping season it’s timely to remind everyone of a few simple precautions you can take to avoid becoming a victim.
Thieves and fraudsters are all too ready to take any opportunity should you let your guard down whilst doing the Christmas shopping.
In the car park
- Always park in a safe location such as a secure car park.
- Make sure all the doors and windows on your vehicle are secure.
- Remove all valuables from your vehicle. If you have to leave something in your vehicle, make sure it’s out of sight.
- If you return to your car to put purchases inside before continuing shopping, make sure they’re out of sight and you’re aware of who’s around when you put the shopping in your car.
In the shops
- Start shopping as early as you can. Don’t leave it to the last few days when everyone is in a last-minute panic.
- If possible, avoid shopping at weekends when crowds will be at their largest.
- Go shopping with a friend. Not only will it help to alleviate the stress but you can watch out for one another.
- If carrying a bag make sure it is closed and if possible held in front of you. Never leave it unattended. A common example of this is in shopping trolleys.
- If someone bumps into you, immediately check your valuables. It could just be another busy shopper, but don’t just assume.
- Try to condense your bags into one big bag. It reduces the likelihood of you losing items.
- When making a transaction with a bank or credit card, never let the card out of your sight and be conscious about who can see you entering your PIN number. Pay attention to who’s around you and report any suspicious activity.