A police car has been left badly damaged after being involved in a crash in east Auckland.
The crash happened on Pakuranga Road near an entrance to Lloyd Elsmore Park this morning, March 12.
A photo posted to social media and shared with the Times shows the front of the police Skoda station wagon smashed with pieces of the vehicle lying on the road in front of it.
The person who posted the photo on social media said other police vehicles and St John Ambulance was also at the scene at about 9.15am.
Counties Manukau East Police area commander, Inspector Rod Honan, says one person sustained minor injuries in the crash.
“Just before 9am, a police unit was travelling along Pakuranga Road,” he told the Times.
“Around this time a member of the public’s vehicle has made a turn across the road and collided with the patrol car.
“One of the occupants has sustained minor injuries in the crash and has received medical treatment.
“Two police staff have also been transported to hospital with minor injuries as a precaution.
“An investigation will now commence into the circumstances of the crash and police have spoken with witnesses at the scene.”
Honan says anyone who witnessed the crash and has not yet spoken to police is asked to contact 105 quoting reference number P058068735.
The road is not currently blocked and the vehicles involved have been towed for further enquiries.