Today marks International Firefighters Day where the community show their appreciation for our local firefighters and the incredible work that they do.
Pakuranga MP Simeon Brown visited the Howick Fire Station earlier today to show his support.
“Firefighters around New Zealand work hard to protect people and properties in our communities, and I thank all fire and emergency service workers who often put their own lives in harm’s way to do this,” he says.
The Howick Fire Station have responded to more than 700 incidents around the community in the last 12 months.
They attended 70 medical call-outs, 73 vehicle accidents, and nearly 50 structure fires, and also had to respond to over 300 false alarms.
“Our local firefighters do a fantastic job, and I was proud to meet them and hear firsthand about the work they do,” Brown says.
“Thank you again to all our fire and emergency personnel across the country, and particularly to those based here at Howick Station, for the sacrifice and service you provide 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.”
Many incidents that firefighters attend to are preventable, and local residents can help out by following these simple safety steps this winter:
- Keep a clear space around your heater or fireplace. Kids, curtains, couches and washing all need to be at least a metre away.
- Make sure your electric blanket is always flat on the bed and that the controls or cords are not twisted. Replace your electric blanket every five years.
- Make sure you clean out the lint filter in your dryer after each cycle, don’t overload it and make sure it is properly ventilated.
- Dispose of ashes safely. Put them in a metal bucket with a lid, then thoroughly douse with water. Ashes can stay hot enough to start a fire for up to five days.