A group of alleged car thieves, including an 11-year-old, have been caught by police after being spotted by a member of the public in east Auckland.
The incident began in Flat Bush at about 11.30pm on November 19 when a resident phoned police and said there was a group of people trying to steal his vehicle on Flat Bush School Road.
Counties Manukau East Police area prevention manager, Inspector Rakana Cook, says the resident disturbed the group before quickly calling police and providing important information.
“The group was seen leaving in a vehicle, which was quickly located by the police Eagle helicopter a short time later.
“Three of the offenders were then dropped off on Hollyford Drive [in Clover Park] by the driver.
“Several police units were quickly on scene and took them into custody.
“The driver has continued onto State Highway 1 southbound and exited at Manurewa where they proceeded to drive around the area for some time before being spiked.”
Cook says the vehicle eventually came to a stop in Clendon Park, where another four offenders were taken into custody.
“I’d like to acknowledge the community’s vigilance in reporting this suspicious activity to us straight away, which allowed us to respond quickly.
“It’s also a timely reminder if something suspicious is happening in your neighbourhood and you see it, don’t hesitate to call police. We will respond and hold those involved accountable.”
Police encourage the community to report offending or suspicious activity as it happens by phoning 111.
Other matters can be reported afterward by phoning 105 or going online to https://www.police.govt.nz/use-105.
Cook says an 18-year-old male will appear in the Manukau District Court on November 20 charged with unlawfully getting into a motor vehicle.
An 11-year-old, a 13-year-old, three 14-year-olds and a 17-year-old have been referred to Youth Aid Services.