Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Bellyful – full service meets need

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Bellyful East Auckland team at work

While foodbanks continue with their good work, Bellyful is making a meal of it, providing free, cooked meals. Junior journalist, Tinkle Ding (from Bucklands Beach Intermediate), explains how this organisation’s east Auckland branch is serving up assistance to families one dish at a time.

Junior journalist, Tinkle Ding (Bucklands Beach Intermediate)

Bellyful is a community based organisation where people volunteer to help out and make meals to be delivered to the homes of locals with young children and babies that don’t have the assistance they need to fill their stomachs. The meals are given to the families completely free of charge.

There are five meal choices including beef Bolognese, beef lasagne, macaroni and cheese, tomato and red lentil soup and mild vegetarian curry. Just thinking about the options will make many mouths water.

The food has been developed for younger children to enjoy while still providing the nutrition they need. Meals are delivered frozen so they can last up to six months after their production date.

It is important to note that meals are not provided due only to financial constraints as the food is intended for people unable to feed their children and babies. Bellyful does not replace other forms of support (such as help from friends and family, churches and many other groups), it aims to help people if such groups are unavailable to them.

To continue their work, the team at Bellyful rely on volunteers. If you have any time and want to help, it would be extremely appreciated by families in need and the people working hard to help them. For more information about volunteering, contact Bellyful East Auckland through www.bellyful.org.nz.


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