Sunday, March 9, 2025

Candidate advocates for changes to local issues

Billy Davis is standing for election to the Howick Local Board in the Pakuranga subdivision. Photo supplied
  • Billy Davis, Howick Local Board candidate, Pakuranga subdivision

I am standing for a seat on the Howick Local Board for the following reasons:

  • To prevent and reduce crime.

I am a volunteer for an organisation that helps to deter crime and I am a volunteer for an organisation that supports the victims of crime so I see a broad spectrum.

  • To help create Neighborhood Watch groups.

A caring community unites and it starts with families knowing where their teenage children are and who they are associating with.

  • I oppose Auckland Council selling our community parks due to mismanaging funds and now being in extreme debt.

In February I was part of a local group that protested against the council selling our local park at Fortyfoot Lane and this is my main reason for standing for a seat on the board.

  • Housing intensification and infrastructure.

We already have traffic congestion and overloaded stormwater/sewer systems so allowing a developer to demolish a house on a single section and replace it with five houses is madness.

It effectively means the developers have more authority in our community than the council.

All new builds in Auckland need to be reduced by 50 per cent until we have a plan of sustainable growth.

  • I’m against Auckland Transport and the council’s plan known as TERP (Transport Emission Reduction Pathway).

Their goal is for Aucklanders to reduce vehicle use by 50 per cent before the year 2030 and start walking, cycling and using public transport.

  • I oppose Three Waters reforms because our assets and decision-making will be given to people who are not from Pakuranga.

I’m a volunteer for Victim Support Counties Manukau and Howick Pakuranga Community Patrol.

I attend (the English-speaking) Pakuranga Chinese Baptist Church and I’m a member of Celebrants Aotearoa New Zealand.

Facebook: billy david davis.

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