Tuesday, April 1, 2025

Council supports City Mission’s Auckland Angels initiative

Auckland Council is throwing its support behind Auckland City Mission’s ‘Auckland Angels’ appeal, helping to ensure Aucklanders in greatest need can celebrate Christmas after a particularly tough year.

Collection points for food and gift donations will be set up at the council’s service centres and libraries until Saturday December 11, between 9am and 4pm.

Donations can also be dropped at the council’s pool and leisure centres once they reopen under the Covid-19 Protection ‘Red’ stage. Please do not leave donations outside.

Auckland Mayor Phil Goff says some Aucklanders will be finding this Christmas season particularly difficult after the extended Covid-19 lockdown.

“After a tough year with more than 100 days of lockdown in our city, Aucklanders will be looking forward to spending Christmas with friends and loved ones,” he says.

“Unfortunately, for some in our communities, Christmas can cause additional strain and pressure on household finances, and this will only have been exacerbated by the lockdowns. We want every Aucklander to be able to celebrate this special time of year, which is why this Auckland City Mission initiative is so essential – and why we are proud to support it.

“I encourage everyone who is in a position to do so to give what they can to ensure the year ends on a happier note for the families who have done it tough over the past four months.”

Latest numbers from the Mission show that, along with their partners, they are giving out more than 1600 parcels a week, up from around 450 per week pre-covid.

Missioner Helen Robinson is expecting increased need this summer and says the mission is grateful for the council’s support.

“Not only are more people struggling, but the lockdown means that the people who usually collect food and gifts to help haven’t been able to do that.

“That’s why we so appreciate the support of organisations such as the council that not only help us to raise awareness of the campaign, but also put measures in place to enable Aucklanders to easily donate wherever they are in the region.

“We want to thank everyone who takes the time to help us, and the families who would otherwise go without this Christmas.”

How to donate

You can leave your food or gift donation at a collection point at one of the council’s libraries or service centres

Order a gift online and have it delivered directly to the Auckland City Mission’s Distribution

Centre at 15 Auburn Street, Grafton 1023. Please mark all gifts for the attention of Auckland’s Angels.

Drop off your gift at the Mission’s Distribution Centre at 15 Auburn Street, Grafton from 9am-3pm, Monday to Saturday. The final day for drop-offs at the centre is Friday December 17.

What is needed?

Food Parcel Items

Below is a list of non-perishable items that go into Mission food parcels at Christmas time:

  • Tinned vegetables, such as tomatoes, corn, peas or beans
  • Tinned soup
  • Baked beans and tinned spaghetti
  • Tinned fruit
  • Tinned meat and fish
  • Pasta sauce, pasta and rice
  • Breakfast cereal and muesli bars
  • Spreads, such as jam, peanut butter or honey
  • Flour and sugar
  • Christmas treats, such as mince pies, biscuits and chocolate
  • Baby food
  • Nappies
  • Toilet rolls
  • Soap and shampoo
  • Feminine hygiene products
  • Deodorant
Gift Ideas

Donations of new, unwrapped gifts for children and teenagers are hugely appreciated. Please do not gift clothes as it is difficult to allocate sizes.

Here are a few popular gift ideas:

Infants: Rattles, night lights, bath toys, teething rings
Toddlers: Bath toys, puzzles, soft toys, Duplo, pull-along toys
Primary School: Puzzles, dress-ups, dolls/action figures, Lego, craft kits, toy cars, animal figurines
Teenagers: Sports ball, scarfs, hats, beach towels, toiletries, gift voucher or Prezzy card
Family/All Ages: Board games, books, stationery, reusable drink bottles, toiletries, gift voucher or Prezzy card

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