Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Council – We’re keen on your feedback


In August last year the Local Board was asked to provide feedback on the disposal of local properties as part of Auckland Council’s Emergency Budget asset recycling. The board was unanimous in their recommendation to the Governing Body to retain all of the four reserves listed. Unfortunately council voted to dispose of these.

There is opportunity for residents to have their say. Details can be found in the following link: https://www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz/have-your-say/public-notices/Pages/Proposed-Reserve-Revocations-2R-Ti-Rakau-Dr,-Pakuranga-9R-Fortyfoot-Lane-Sunnyhills-76R-Aberfeldy-Ave,-Highland-Park-.aspx

Feedback must be received by March 31.


Auckland Council and the Howick Local Board is keen to hear your feedback on the Long Term (10 year) Plan. You can provide feedback on https://akhaveyoursay.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz/hub-page/10-year-budget-2021-2031 – or by attending a Howick Local Board Hearing Style Event https://akhaveyoursay.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz/central-and-east (via SKYPE or in person) on Thursday March 18 at the Howick Local Board Meeting Room, Pakuranga Library Complex, 7 Aylesbury Street). Please email howicklocalboard@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz to register.


Dads, mums, teens and tots have all descended on Nixon Park to enjoy the recently installed pump track. Designed for skaters, scooters and bikers of all ages, this new addition to the park has proved to be very popular. It has been great to see users share the facility among different age groups. The success of this facility also requires that respect be shown to nearby bowlers and their bowling greens. Please adhere to the signage, and check whether this can be used in the current Covid level.


During our local board plan consultation, you told us that you wanted to more occasions celebrate the diversity of Howick and we promised to establish a signature multi-cultural festival.

Actioning that promise, the local board’s first multicultural event- ‘Celebrating Cultures’ was to be held on March 20. But just like several other things, our community events have been hugely impacted by Covid-19.

At this time the event is still going ahead, on Saturday, May 1. Until we are back at alert level 1, we would need to postpone as community safety is our priority. I would recommend keeping an eye on local board’s Facebook page to the most up to date information on that.

Keep us all safe by following COVID 19 instructions. Wash your hands, sanitise, scan, and wear masks where required.

  • Adele White is chair of Howick Local Board
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