Thursday, February 27, 2025

Covid-19: Auckland Transport continues vital maintenance

Auckland Transport (AT) continues to ensure that Auckland’s roads remain safe, as we continue under COVID-19 lockdown.

Although all routine work – such as footpath renewals, road re-surfacing and new road building – are now on hold, AT will continue to operate essential services.

The following activities have been classed as essential services and will continue during the time that we remain at Alert Level 4:

  •  Pothole repairs.
  •  Road side drain and intersection sweeping.
  • Clearing of critical catchpit grates – which are located in areas prone to flooding during moderate to heavy rainfall.
  •  Maintenance of regulatory and safety signage.
  •  Unsealed road maintenance (grading and re-metalling as required).
  •  Monitoring and maintenance of construction sites that have been closed under Alert Level 4.
  •  Responding to crashes, spillages, fallen tree branches, slips and providing temporary traffic management as required.
  • Maintenance of road markings, intersection markings and edge marker posts for safety reasons.
  • Clearing of trees and other vegetation to maintain sight lines.
  • Maintenance of drains on our unsealed road network.
  • Streetlight maintenance ( replacement of faulty luminaires) and other similar faults where the lights are out. Also making light poles safe after car crashes.
  • All traffic signal faults will be attended to as normal.

Auckland Transport’s portfolio delivery director for maintenance and renewals, Alan Wallace, says that AT will continue to perform the work necessary to ensure the safety and operation of the network – although work at this time has been scaled back.

“We will continue to clear leaves from any critical roadside catchpit grates to minimise the risk of property flooding,” Mr Wallace says.

 Auckland Mayor Phil Goff says the vital road maintenance will ensure that Aucklanders are able to safely travel to essential work, or to access essential services.

 “It’s important that people who have a vital need to get around the city are able to do so safely and without unnecessary delay,” he says.

 “However, I remind Aucklanders that they should stay at home unless they are travelling for essential reasons – so that we can break the chain of COVID-19 transmission.”

 The list of essential services to be delivered will be reviewed regularly – following Government guidelines.

For more information: https://at.govt.nz/about-us/news-events/covid-19/

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