Tuesday, April 1, 2025

Dam levels rising slowly but surely

Upper Mangatawhiri Dam and the rest of the dams in Auckland are very gradually beginning to see levels rise. Photo Watercare

Steady and often heavy rainfall is making small but incremental rises in water levels in Auckland’s drought-hit dams.

In the Hunua Ranges 14mm of rain fell bringing the total for the past week to 91.5mm. Yesterday 19.5mm fell in the

Waitakere Ranges for a seven day total of 38mm.

Dams are now at 44.9 per cent capacity compared to 44.5 per cent yesterday. Normal capacity for this time of year is 77.04 per cent.

With mandatory water restrictions in place, Watercare says the water consumption target for this month is 410 million litres or less. Yesterday’s consumption was 408m litres and the seven-day rolling average as at yesterday was 400m litres.

Watercare says the June target is 10m litres less than the previous month to take into account that the weather is becoming cooler and therefore Aucklanders’ water use will naturally decline as everyone spends less time outside.

The weather forecast suggests isolated showers this week followed by long dry spells.


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