A traffic assessment completed for a proposed residential housing development in east Auckland has found it’s likely to generate more than 450 traffic movements per day.
The report relates to a plan by HND HMB Ltd to build 87 units on a 1.4-hectare site in Pigeon Mountain Road near Half Moon Bay Marina.
Several local residents’ groups have publicly expressed concern with the number of units planned for the site as well as issues with increased traffic and parking, pressure on local schools and wastewater infrastructure.
The development’s only vehicle entry and exit will be via Compass Point Way.
On vehicle parking, the traffic assessment states: “A total of 117 parking [spaces] will be provided on-site for the 87 dwellings.
“Each dwelling will be associated with at least one parking space each, and 59 dwellings will be provided with one additional car parking space each.”
The establishment of high-quality Jointly Owned Access Lots (JOALs) and traffic calming measures within the site will ensure a high standard of pedestrian safety and amenity is provided, and cycling can be accommodated.
“Pedestrian connections to both Ara-Tai, Pigeon Mountain Road and Compass Point Way will link the site to the existing public footpath network in the surrounding area.
“The implementation of such measures will ensure pedestrian and cycling activity in the area will not be adversely affected and will promote an increase in active travel.”
The assessment found completion of the internal JOALs and the creation of new vehicle crossing should have “no detrimental impact on general road safety”.
“The adoption of a high-quality designed JOAL and traffic calming measures will promote the safe use of the new roads and intersections.
“The historical crash statistics of the roads adjacent to the site do not indicate a pattern of crashes that will be exacerbated by the introduction of additional vehicle movements relating to the proposal.”
The assessment states the estimated traffic generation of the proposal is likely to be about 477 traffic movements per day, with peak hour traffic generation of about 51 traffic movements per hour.
“The traffic generated by the proposal is expected to be accommodated on the wider road network with little or no effect.
“Vehicle and pedestrian access to the site is designed to a suitable standard such that the infringement will not have an adverse effect on the surrounding road network or to the safety of pedestrians and vehicles using the site.”
The developer previously said they understand the community’s concerns about increased traffic and parking as a result of the development.
“From the outset, we have carefully considered how this project might affect the surrounding neighbourhood.
“Each unit is designed to include one or two parking spaces, depending on its size, to help ease congestion.
“Furthermore, we have worked with traffic engineers to thoroughly assess the project’s impact on safety and ensure it meets all necessary standards.”