Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Dinner club seeks members

The Howick Women’s Dinner Club meets for regular dinner and entertainment evenings.

The Howick Women’s Dinner Club is seeking new members for their monthly dinner and entertainment evenings.

On the second Wednesday of every month the club meets at Howick Bowling Club to mingle, engage in conversation, eat the buffet, drink and enjoy the guest speaker.

The diverse group of women – from lawyers and doctors to housewives and teachers – meet at 6.30pm for drinks, eat at 7pm and listen to the speaker at 8.30pm before parting ways at 9.30pm.

Val Williams, the president, says there are a wide variety of speakers.

“We’ve had Dame Susan Devoy, the squash player, and New Zealand’s Race Relations Commissioner,” Williams says.

They’ve also had a nurse who has worked in Saudi Arabia, Ross Pinkham and a handwriting expert.

The upcoming dinner on Wednesday August 11 will feature Mike Thomber and his talk on the quality and safety of medicine, named “Pills, Potions and Snake Oil”.

The club was founded in 1975.

Val Rippey, the vice president, joined six years ago when a friend invited her. “We currently have 102 members, but we can accommodate up to 140,” Rippey says.

The Howick Women’s Dinner Club is perfect, William says, for those needing a night out (with no cooking involved) and wishing to meet a diverse and interesting group of women, enjoy their company and the wide selection of guest speakers.

For more information on membership, attendance and the club, phone Val Rippey on 021768829 or email hermajestysings@hotmail.com.

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