Thursday, February 27, 2025

Election 2020:One seat can make a difference

The 1 News Colmar Brunton political poll on Monday night shows just how much of a difference a single seat in the Parliament can make.

It also demonstrates how Botany voters can use their influence to achieve local projects, like two new busways, a Park-and Ride facility, a rebuilt Chapel Road Bridge and more support for local beach protection.

This latest political poll suggests a government with a one-seat majority. The same poll in October showed the same result.

People often ask how much impact one seat in the Parliament can make and whether a single MP can achieve that much.

The answer is that a single MP can make a significant difference for their electorate and their community, if that MP is free from having to always put their political party first.


However, if Botany voters decide to re-elect someone who is a local person who will continue to genuinely stand up for them, who lives in the community and knows local issues well, then our electorate would deliver a very different outcome to the Parliament.

Unlike electorate MPs from the two major parties, an individual MP doesn’t have to put the wishes of a party leader first.

An individual MP can stand up for local people and achieve genuine wins on local infrastructure and community issues.

A new National or Labour MP would always put their political party before their electorate.

I know this first-hand because when I represented one of those parties, I always had to toe the party line.

The unfortunate reality is that most MPs frequently have to put the wishes and interests of their own community second. That is not in the best interest of our democracy.

I can use my vote in the Parliament to negotiate local wins on behalf of local people.

We know next year’s General Election is going to be close and that one seat in the Parliament makes a difference.

Voters next year have the power to make sure the Botany seat continues to be filled by someone who puts Botany first.

Jami-Lee Ross

MP for Botany




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