Eight-year-old Millie Stuart, a student at Mellons Bay School, is less than pleased the flying fox at Macleans Park up on the hill above Macleans College.
Her mum Anna McCrossan shot this lovely image and wondered what happened to the flying fox.
Great news. Auckland Council Head of Operational Management and Maintenance Agnes McCormack told the Times: “The flying fox at Macleans Park has been disabled with the trollies removed from both cables. During an inspection by the contractors it was identified that the cables were showing signs of wear and a decision was made to close the flying fox for health and safety reasons. New cables have been ordered and will be replaced by the end of the week.”
Meanwhile reader Vicky Williamson from Bucklands Beach sent us this note: “I’m delighted to inform you and the public that the flying fox in Macleans Park has been reinstated today (Tuesday, November 6). It has been out of action for three months or more. Please spread the good news.”