Friday, March 7, 2025
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Fundraiser hits a high note

Daffodil day 

The Interact Club at Elim Christian College (a service organisation that is part of Rotary) took the initiative of inviting guests to an NCEA Level music exam at $10 a pop to raise funds for cancer patients for Daffodil Day.

Why not make an event out of an exam where extreme talent is at play was the idea behind opening up the exams for guests to witness.

Year 12 student Eliza Chin blew everyone with her performance at the music exam and fundraiser for cancer patients. Photo supplied

The setting was stunning, and the evening was absolutely delightful as young musicians-in-the-making performed with confidence and immense stage presence.

From pianists, drummers, violinists and vocalists to bands playing their favourite songs and soulful solo performances, the students showcased sparks of brilliance. And the guests were even served dinner.

Goes to show that the new board of directors of the Interact Club led by President Alesha Kant are doing a great job of giving back to the community.


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