Saturday, March 29, 2025

Hard work paying off

Work programme

Our board has worked hard over the last weeks prioritising, finalising and approving our annual work programme.

This is based on the feedback from our community that informed our Local Board Plan.

During this period we have also presented the board’s feedback on several aspects of the Long-Term Plan to the Governing Body, and we will sign off our Local Board agreement in a forthcoming meeting.

Board members have attended a number of community events including the opening of the Salvation Army Housing in Flat Bush, the blessing and opening of a Community

Development Building at Howick College, and a public meeting to retain Police presence in Howick.

Rates rebates and payments

From Friday June 4, 2021 the front desk at our local board office in Pakuranga will no longer be operational. However, you’ll continue to receive our full range of services, including payments, at any of our main service centres.

And there are plenty of other ways you can access services offered by Auckland Council.

You can pay online, by phone, at our contact centre – or visit your local post shop.

Children’s play spaces

After several local playgrounds were closed due to damaged equipment, it is great to report that play spaces at Mission Height’s Reserve and Santa Cruz Reserve are up and running again.

The adult exercise equipment at Bramley Reserve that was vandalised has also been replaced.

We will continue to reopen playgrounds as replacement equipment arrives.

Poi for Matariki!

You are invited to attend poi making workshops facilitated by “Poi Yeah!”

Each person will be provided with a free DIY Poi Pack, containing everything you need to make a Matariki-themed pair of Poi and you will be helped to assemble them every step of the way.

These workshops are a safe and fun wananga environment.

Poi Yeah will korero about the meaning of Matariki and share with you their knowledge of Poi.

All are welcome on Saturday June 19, 2021 10am-1pm at Bucklands Beach War Memorial Hall.

Important contact numbers

For any emergency, where life or property is threatened, call 111.

To report historic events to Police, or to seek information, call 105 or report on line at 105.police.govt.nz.

For issues regarding parks, trees, rubbish or noise call Auckland Council 09 301 0101 or report online at Auckland Council Report a Problem.

For roading or transport issues call Auckland Transport 09 355 3553 or report online at www.at.govt.nz.

For water issues call Watercare 09 442 2222 or report online at watercare.co.nz.

To report illegal rubbish dumping, 0800 NO DUMP 0800 663867.

  • Adele White, Chairperson Howick Local Board
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