Monday, March 31, 2025

Independent Māori Statutory Board member James Brown dies

James Brown was a long-time chairman of Ngai Tai ki Tamaki based at Umupuia Marae in Maraetai.
  • By Staff and Laura Kvigstad, Auckland Council reporter
    funded by New Zealand on Air

Independent Māori Statutory Board member James Brown has been remembered for his contributions to Tāmaki Makaurau at Auckland Council.

At the council’s Governing Body meeting on August 24, mayor Wayne Brown said James Brown died suddenly two days earlier and asked for a minute of silence to acknowledge the passing.

“James made a huge contribution to Tāmaki Makaurau over many years,” Brown said.

Acting chief executive Phil Wilson said James Brown had a long association with council.

“James was a very important leader for local iwi Ngāi Tai ki Tāmaki – always a staunch proponent for progress of Ngāi Tai people, providing leadership in all sorts of dimensions,” Wilson said.

“I would say he was a far better person to have as a friend and a partner than an adversary.

“He was forthright in his view and that was a good thing. He fought his corner and provided really important leadership.”

Wilson recounted Brown’s work around the development of the Umupuia Marae and became choked up.

“Moe mai ra e te rangatira, rest in peace.”

James Brown, a long-time chairman of Ngai Tai ki Tamaki based at Umupuia Marae in Maraetai, was celebrated with a tangihanga at Umupuia Marae on Saturday.

The iwi said in a post: “Ngāi Tai ki Tāmaki is deeply saddened to share the news of the sudden passing of James Brown, who for so long has been a Pou for our iwi and whose many achievements have been fundamental to establishing where we are today as an iwi.

“It is difficult to express the loss at this moment.”

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