In a world where there is often great focus on difference dividing us, local Howick children teamed up with their families and the local business community to make a difference.
The second annual cession|community Quiz Night was recently held at the Depot in Lloyd Elsmore Park as an all-age event with a difference – the organisers were children. Children from cession|community church decided to run a Quiz Night Fundraiser to raise money to support Seuly, a girl from Bangladesh, who they got to know through a child sponsorship overseen by Tearfund.
They created the questions, came up with a plan for food and with some help from their adults obtained sponsorships for prizes and a silent auction. When the big night came the kids bravely presented the event, each taking responsibility for their areas of expertise as they asked the questions and provided the answers.
“He worked on those questions for three weeks!”, exclaimed Sarah, proud mother of Elijah who created the Literature questions that stumped many of the adults. The children worked with event organiser Kristen Jones over a period of two months to plan the details of the event including making the flyers and advertising posters as well as bravely fronting up to sponsors.
Raegan, aged 12, recalls, “We were at the movies at the Monterey over the holidays and came up with the idea to ask for sponsorship. The manager was very kind in the way she responded and I was excited that we had prizes for our Quiz Night.”

Local businesses rallied around the event with the help of cession community trust administrator Debbie Hyland. Bike Barn provided some great cycling products that attracted auction bids from both kids and adults. Lush provided an amazing bath bomb pack that was won by two sisters pooling their pocket money. One of the parent organisers won a much-needed package from local naturopath Caitlyn Ward. Prizes from Book Barn, Wild Wheat and SASS Nails were snapped up at the auction.
The children greeted guests as they arrived, sold food and drinks and MCed the event. For many it was their first time being involved in something like this.
Organiser Kristen Jones reflected on the quiz night, “I couldn’t be prouder of our kids the way they are learning to focus on the needs of others. They raised nearly $550 in a single evening and they showed courage, compassion and creativity in the way they approached it. It’s all part of creating a kinder community and we’re so delighted with the way local families, the community and businesses were able to partner to achieve something together.”
Local resident and chairperson of the Tearfund Board, Gary Agnew, attended the event for the second year running. “Our family loves attending this local event together and it’s great from a Tearfund perspective to see the way Kiwi children are actively getting involved in child sponsorship and partnering with the wider community including local businesses.”
The kids are already planning for next year’s event!