Chorus and the Beautification Trust is encouraging east Aucklanders to let their colours fly in their latest creative initiative.
They are calling for local artists to design and send them in for the chance to have it displayed on the recent cabinets chosen for beautification.
Artists are encouraged to get their designs in before the deadline of September 1.
Last year the project was so successful that Chorus, the Beautification Trust and Auckland Council are looking to extend its reach further.
“We are hoping more artists will hear of this opportunity and submit designs,” Jo Seddon, Chorus community relations manager, says.
These kind of initiatives, she says, enhances communities and helps combat graffti vandalism.
The cabinets, which are nominated by Auckland Council, become works of art in the street, telling stories about the communities they are located in.
Council graffiti vandalism advisor Helen Smith says that this is a great opportunity for artists to showcase their talents.
“Not only to the Auckland community but also the wider world”.
Seddon says anyone can put forward a design. “With the only stipulation that it has meaning and promotes diversity and inclusion,” she says.
Requests for designs are now open to everyone. Chorus encourages sending through a photo, scan or PDF of the design.
The winning design for each cabinet will be chosen from entries received.
Designs can be sent through Chorus’s website: