The Cockle Bay Residents & Ratepayers Association [CBRRA] is generally known for advocating on issues affecting Cockle Bay.
The CBRRA appeared before hearings regarding the Auckland Unitary Plan and currently PC78 (Intensification); resisting inappropriate residential development and supporting the closure of Cockle Bay Beach to year-round cockle harvesting.
The CBRRA is also very much for community engagement and for recognition and preservation of local and cherished amenities via projects such as the Cockle Bay Beach Reserve Walkways Restoration Project.
In 2022, the CBRRA was awarded a grant by the Howick Local Board toward this project.
To date, clearing of pest plants and some ground preparation and native planting work has occurred.
“CBRRA is hosting a community fun day to showcase the restoration project, our beautiful amenity with other local groups and organisations operating in our community, namely Pest Free Howick, Cockle Bay Pentanque Club, The Howick Art Group en plein air artists, Claudia Robin Gunn (Music for Kids), Kings Plant Barn Botany, and the Howick Local Board (with its spin and win wheel and interesting prizes up for grabs),” CBRRA said.
“Howick Village Optometrists have very generously sponsored challenging and entertaining games and puzzles – fun for kids and adults alike.”
The Lions will be there too promoting their Water Safety Day with kayaks from Outdoor Experience while the Coastguard who will keep a watchful eye on the water activities.
Lions will also be fundraising with sausages and hot chips, and for the kids the big mini beach dig.
Scouts will be building rafts with a view to floating and racing them while Fisheries New Zealand will also be there with their education trailer.
Visitors will also be able to buy coffee and fresh fruit ice cream.
“We have a perfect tide, a perfect location, some enthusiastic participants and tireless volunteers. We’ve asked the weather gods to play nice and are confident they’re listening,” CBRRA said.
- Cockle Bay Beach Community Fun Day, Sunday, March 26, 10am to 3pm.