Thursday, February 27, 2025

Luxon calls for Mahuta to be sacked

National Party leader Christopher Luxon says Local Government Minister Nanaia Mahuta should be sacked. File photo supplied

Botany MP and National Party leader Christopher Luxon is calling for Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern to sack her embattled Local Government Minister Nanaia Mahuta.

Mahuta’s “open defiance of Cabinet rules” shows Ardern has lost control of her Cabinet, Luxon says.

“Cabinet agreed on May 30 the Water Services Entities Bill should not entrench the privatisation provisions in the Bill.

“Despite ruling out entrenchment of any form or threshold, Minister Mahuta openly defied the prime minister and forcefully backed the entrenchment clause in the House two weeks ago.

“In that speech, Ms Mahuta led the charge for the Government, claiming a ‘moral obligation’ of those opposed to privatisation to support entrenchment of the provision. Labour then unanimously voted for it.

“But Cabinet opposed any form or threshold of entrenchment, not just one requiring 75 per cent support. “Therefore, the minister’s claim her efforts to entrench aspects of the Bill with a 60 per cent threshold is somehow different, is nonsense.”

Luxon says the Cabinet manual is clear.

“It says, ‘once Cabinet makes a decision, ministers must support it, regardless of their personal views’.

“Yet despite breaching the Cabinet manual and openly defying her colleagues and the prime minister, Ms Mahuta remains a minister. Three Waters is a debacle.

“Not only is the Government confiscating assets from community ownership, but in an effort to rush it through urgency, the responsible minister tried to sneak in unconstitutional and undemocratic entrenchment provisions against Cabinet guidelines.

“For a minister to openly defy a Cabinet decision [it] shows the prime minister has lost control of her Cabinet.

“It’s time for Jacinda Ardern to show some leadership, hold Ms Mahuta accountable, and sack her.”

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