Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Mayor questions placement of electric ferry chargers

Infrastructure to charge future electric ferries operating on Auckland’s harbour and gulf are being placed on Queen’s Wharf, to the annoyance of Mayor Wayne Brown. Photo supplied
  • By Laura Kvigstad, Auckland Council reporter funded by New Zealand on Air

Auckland Mayor Wayne Brown has challenged Auckland Transport and Eke Panuku over a decision to place ferry charging infrastructure on Queen’s Wharf.

At a recent meeting of Auckland Council’s transport, resilience and infrastructure committee, Auckland Transport (AT) presented an update on electric ferry charging infrastructure.

AT acting chief executive Murray Burt illustrated how ferry charging infrastructure in the city centre was planned for Queens Wharf.

“Works are progressing on the charging infrastructure on land side.

“We will take a pause after the electric vessels are constructed, and be thinking about what is the most appropriate cost-competitive way to continue on with the ferry programme,” Burt said.

Brown asked what right AT had to “plonk” electric ferry charges on Queen’s Wharf.

“They are hideous and I’m trying to get the harbour back for the people,” Brown said.

“Three or four ugly boxes, I mean surely they can be put somewhere up near Quay Street or somewhere else.”

Burt assured the mayor that the charging infrastructure was movable.

“Stage one would be the first elements to be installed,” he said.

“It wouldn’t be the full four or five units that you can see there, just two of them.

“AT has been consulting with Eke Panuku and others involved in the Queen’s Wharf as to the best location and this is where we have been directed.”

Burt said AT would need to go through a notified consent process which would allow for further engagement.

Brown responded that Eke Panuku’s involvement was even more reason to “relocate” the council-controlled organisations.

“I did not realise Eke Panuku also think that they have got the right just to plonk things wherever they want either,” Brown said.

The Downtown consent process for the charging infrastructure is expected to be notified soon.

  • For earlier stories about electric ferries coming to Auckland, to be owned by Auckland Transport on behalf of residents and ratepayers, read:




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