Tuesday, April 1, 2025

MP and wife welcome new baby

Pakuranga MP Simeon Brown and wife Rebecca ith their new born Anna Sarah Brown. Photo supplied.

Pakuranga MP Simeon Brown is beaming from ear to ear as he cradles tiny Anna Sarah Brown in his arms.

Anna was born on the morning of March 19, well after her due date. She weighed in at 2.6kg (five pounds 11 ounces) and was 45cm long.

“Anna is doing very well, as is Rebecca. They are both now at home and settling into a routine,” says the MP.

“We are incredibly grateful for all the support that we received from staff at Middlemore Hospital where Anna was born and from the Botany Downs Maternity Unit where Anna and Rebecca stayed for a couple of nights.

“We are also very grateful for our midwife Margie Ireland and team member Laetitia Pelser from Botany who have been so kind and helpful.

Brown says it has been a big change for his wife Rebecca and him, “but we have loved every moment of it, even with less sleep. I’m enjoying fatherhood and getting to know my little daughter. I’ve also become the quintessential nappy changer!”

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