The public service’s bloated bureaucracy is continuing to balloon under Labour, with new figures showing another rise in the number of public servants, National’s Public Service spokesperson Simeon Brown says.
“The Public Service Commission recently released figures showing that the full-time-equivalent headcount of public servants employed by the core public service has increased by 2329 from last year.
“As of March 2023, the total number of public servants is now 62,710 people. This is a 4 per cent increase on last year’s headcount, and an eye watering 33 per cent since Labour came into office.
“The reality is that while Labour has been spending up large on increasing bureaucracy in Wellington – our frontline staff in health, education, and law and order have been struggling.
“In 2018, when Chris Hipkins was the Public Services Minister, Labour removed the cap on public servants claiming that it would reduce the need for expensive contractors and consultants.
“While the number of bureaucrats continues to increase in Wellington, spending on consultants also grew to an eye watering $1.7 billion in 2022. A clear failure from Labour.
“National will cut Labour’s wasteful spending on growing the Wellington bureaucracy, cut spending on consultants by $400 million and restore fiscal discipline to the public service.
“New Zealanders deserve a government that is focused on improving the lives of Kiwis on the frontline, not growing bureaucracy that is failing to improve the lives of New Zealanders.”