Friday, October 4, 2024

MP: Major roading projects once again at risk

Labour has cancelled several key projects such as Mill Road. Times photo Wayne Martin

Labour’s ‘New Zealand Upgrade Programme’ of major roading upgrades is once again at risk with Transport Minister Michael Wood admitting Labour is “rescoping” projects, National Party Transport spokesperson Simeon Brown says.

“Labour’s track record of delivering major roading upgrades is appalling. They cancelled the entire Roads of National Significance Programme when they were first elected.

“Labour then promised the NZ Upgrade Programme after significant pressure from the National Party.”

While it was initially billed as a transformative infrastructure upgrade, Brown says Labour has since cancelled several key projects such as Mill Road in Auckland, Stage 2 of the Takitimu Northern Link near Tauranga and the Whangarei to Port Marsden Highway.

“Labour is now looking to put even more projects at risk. They should instead cancel their $30 billion Light Rail project which has gone nowhere in six years, and instead invest in the roads New Zealand needs,” says Brown.

“Mr Wood needs to come clean on whether Labour is still committed to delivering roading upgrades such as the Otaki to Levin Expressway, completing the widening of Auckland’s Southern Motorway between Papakura and Drury and building the Melling Interchange in the Hutt Valley, on the timeline he promised.

“Labour’s track record on roading has been to cancel, promise, cancel, promise and then cancel again. Voters simply can’t trust Labour to deliver the major projects New Zealand needs but which Labour is ideologically opposed to.

“National has a track record of delivery and, if elected, will continue to invest in the roading infrastructure the country needs.”

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