Monday, December 16, 2024

Orange guy out for O-Week

Enrolment teams will be at orientation events around the country helping students get enrolled and ready to vote in this year’s General Election.

65% of 18 – 24 year olds are already enrolled and the Electoral Commission is working to increase that number.

“For almost 200,000 young people, this will be first time they’ve had the chance to vote in a General Election and have their say on issues that affect them,” says Alicia Wright, Chief Electoral Officer.

“It’s exciting, but it can be a bit daunting too, so we’ll be at orientation events to make enrolling as easy as possible,” says Ms Wright.

Students living away from home can choose to enrol in the electorate where their family home is located, or in the electorate where they are studying.

“If you’re a student, you can enrol at your family’s home address if you want to,” says Ms Wright.  “It just means you’ll need to cast a special vote if you’re away from home at voting time,” says Ms Wright.

The Electoral Commission is also working with schools, youth and other community organisations to reach other young voters.

“Voting is a lifelong habit.  The earlier young people start to vote, the more likely they are to keep voting,” says Ms Wright.

Upcoming orientation events where students can look out for the orange guy enrolment stall include:

  • 2 March: Eastern Institute of Technology, Taradale, Napier
  • 6 – 8 March: Victoria University Orientation, Victoria University, Wellington
  • 6 – 10 March: Auckland University Orientation, Albert Park, Auckland


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