Almost every day a local resident will post on social media saying their vehicle has been stolen and ask the community to keep an eye out for it.
Among the “hot spot” suburbs for such offending is Flat Bush.
Counties Manukau East Police area prevention manager, Inspector Rakana Cook, says tackling vehicle crime is a key area of focus.
“We definitely understand the amount of vehicle crime and burglary that’s occurring across our Counties Manukau East policing area, but equally in what we call our hot spots.
“We know there’s a lot that happens in those areas, particularly Flat Bush. That’s a big focus for us.”
Cook says Flat Bush is targeted due to its accessibility via arterial routes and the fact so many vehicles there are parked on the road, making them easier targets for thieves.
In one recent example of such offending in the suburb, a resident spotted three young people trying to break into vehicles in Belinda Avenue.
Police responded and arrested three teenagers aged 15, 16, and 17 at the scene.
In a second incident, four teenagers were seen breaking into vehicles in Amaretto Avenue.
The police’s Eagle helicopter responded to the area and sighted the vehicle, which came to a halt when spiked by police. Its four occupants, aged 14-16, were arrested and charged.
Police have multiple resources they use to tackle vehicle crime in Flat Bush and other areas, Cook says.
“We look at a range of different deployment options from a tactical perspective, and at the intelligence and information we get across all crime types.
“We look at how we can put into place plans are that good for the community [through] a prevention approach.”
He says in Flat Bush vehicles are both being stolen and broken into and he has advice to help residents prevent themselves from becoming victims of such offending.
“If they’ve got the ability to park off the street, make sure their cars are locked, and windows aren’t down. Don’t leave valuables in plain sight.
“Tools are a bit harder. We know for our contractors it’s a lot harder for them to pack away their stuff because that’s what they rely upon. If they can, install car alarms and CCTV outside their property.
“But some of the simple ways of doing it is if you can put it out of plain sight, or in terms of tools if you can put them into a place that’s away from would-be thieves.”