“Leave only footprints in the sand.”
That’s the message from police and their partner agencies to holiday makers heading to Auckland’s eastern and southern beaches as the summer break and festive season kicks into gear.
An annual operation is now under way, which will see increased police visibility in hot spots.
Police, along with Auckland Council, NZ Fisheries, Drowning Prevention Auckland and the Franklin Local Board are reminding visitors to respect the area while they have a safe and happy holiday.
Counties Manukau East Police sergeant Richard Bracey says the beaches in east Auckland, and surrounds, attract large numbers of people during the holiday period.
“This summer we’re focusing on ensuring everyone who either resides in this area, or is visiting, has a safe and memorable experience.
“Officers will be providing community reassurance, prevention and enforcement activities, especially relating to alcohol, vehicle crime and driving offences in and around the eastern beaches, which includes Beachlands and Maraetai areas.
“We want everyone to have a great Christmas catching up with friends and whānau this summer.
“So our focus will be on preventing speeding, driving while impaired or distracted (including fatigue and drink driving and using your mobile phone), and those not wearing a seatbelt.
“Alcohol bans are also in place and any anti-social behaviour will not be tolerated.”
Bracey says police checkpoints will continue during the festive period, enabling safer roads and communities throughout the holiday period.
“This is just a gentle reminder for people to respect the local environment and those who call these beautiful places home.
“We’ll be out and about to provide a safe and secure environment for all beach goers and local residents.
“Our focus is to make this a summer to remember for all the right reasons.”