Saturday, March 29, 2025

Police: Safely enjoy the festive season

Howick Police station public counter, which is usually open on Mondays and Thursdays, will be closing from Tuesday, December 24, and will reopen on Monday, January 13, 2025. Times photo
  • By Sergeant Brett Meale of Howick Police

As we head into the Christmas and New Year holidays and celebrations, hopefully most of you will get a chance to relax and socialise with family and friends, either at home or if you’re lucky, away at a holiday spot.

While some of our police staff will get a holiday as well, the majority will continue working through this time to try and ensure a minority of the community don’t ruin this time for the rest of us.

Unfortunately, we generally see increased reporting of family harm during this period, which is usually a result of increased stress and pressures on families due to financial pressures and the increased consumption of alcohol.

If this is or could be your situation, please acknowledge that you may need help or assistance before it gets out of control.

Seek budgeting advice, counselling or other assistance and support from agencies, before you become a victim or an offender.

Look after your family and know when you or others have had too much alcohol.

Above all else, if the situation looks like it may get out of hand, call police on 111 before anyone gets hurt or the situation is out of control.

At this time of year, alcohol is also a factor in the rise of public disorder and drinking and driving.

Be advised, there will be increased police patrols in public places and at local beaches.

Alcohol ban areas will be stringently policed so the majority can enjoy their day out, without it being ruined by a few drunks.

Checkpoints will be in place throughout the area, so ensure you have a sober driver, everyone wears their seatbelts, and you drive to the speed and conditions to ensure everyone gets to their destination.

If you’re lucky enough to be travelling away, ensure you let a reliable neighbour know your plans.

Make sure your house is left secure with the alarm set, and you have someone collect your mail or park a vehicle in your driveway.

Anything that can give the impression your house is still occupied will go a long way to helping prevent you becoming a victim.

Finally, the Howick Police station public counter, which is usually open on Mondays and Thursdays, will be closing from Tuesday, December 24, and will reopen on Monday, January 13, 2025.

During this time of closure, the Manukau police station will remain open, and reports can still be made by calling 105 or online via www.police.govt.nz.

Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and a safe and happy new year.

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