Saturday, March 22, 2025

Police swoop on dirt bike riders

The police’s Eagle helicopter was used to track the movements of dirt bike riders across Auckland today. File photo supplied

The streets of Auckland were alive with the sound of dirt bikes today as police tracked a large number of riders across the city’s south-east.

Inspector Kerry Watson says resources including the Eagle helicopter were deployed in response to the group.

“We do not want to put the public at risk or put the riders at any more risk than they’re putting themselves in, however there is a significant police response, and we will be taking action when we can do so safely.”

Watson says the group was seen running red lights, riding on the wrong side of the road and breaking the speed limit.

“This is not only concerning, but it’s putting other road users and members of the public at extreme risk of harm.

“Most of the riders are not wearing appropriate gear and if something goes wrong, someone could easily lose their life.”

Police have made five arrests so far and expect to make further arrests, Watson says.

“Police’s message is clear: If you ride your dirt or off-road bike where you shouldn’t, or ride in an anti-social manner, we will do everything in our power to identify you and take enforcement action.”

That could include seizure or impounding of the bike, Watson says.

It’s illegal to ride a dirt bike on the road unless it’s roadworthy with a current warrant and registration.

People who have information that could help police’s enquiries can update us online now or call 105 quoting the reference number P060876126.

Information can also be provided anonymously via Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

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