Tuesday, April 1, 2025

One stop voting shop in Botany

Electoral officials will be showing the love on Valentine’s Day, Tuesday, February 14, with a One Stop Shop at Botany Library from 10.30am to 1pm for the Howick Local Board Botany Sub-division by-election.

Anyone who hasn’t received a voting pack or who hasn’t yet enrolled on the electoral roll for the Botany by-election can be enrolled and issued with a special vote on the spot so they can take part in the by-election.

They’ll also have access to the Show Your Love website (www.showyourlove.co.nz) so they can find out about the candidates before they vote.

“Representatives from the Electoral Commission will be able to register people and then they will be issued with a special vote by trained electoral officials,” says electoral officer Dale Ofsoske.

“This is a partnership between the Electoral Commission and Auckland Council to facilitate enrolments and special votes for the Howick Local Board Botany Sub-division by-election.”.

Voters have until noon on Friday, February 17 to get their voting documents back to the Electoral Officer by mail using the pre-paid envelopes provided, or by dropping them at a ballot box.

Ballot boxes and completed special votes will be accepted until noon on February 17 at:

  • Botany Library, Level 1, Sunset Terrace, Botany Town Centre
  • the Electoral Office, Independent Election Services Ltd, Level 2, 198 Federal Street, Auckland.

The by-election is being held to elect a new representative for the Botany subdivision on the Howick Local Board to fill the vacancy left by the resignation of Lucy Schwaner on November 3, 2016.


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