The Times talked to people in Howick Village on the matter of crime and do they feel safe?
Tristan Mason, east Auckland resident for 20-plus years:
“I don’t personally feel like it has changed for me. But I’m sure it has. There are certainly a lot more choppers and sirens every day, but overall, I feel safe.
Karen Legg, Howick resident of 50-plus years:
“It’s a lovely, safe place. I just love Howick and the people. To be honest, it’s much safer than Darwin [Northern Territory, Australia].”
Sarah Martin, Howick resident of 13-plus years:
“I don’t like the increased gangs and crime in the area, especially the ram-raids. I’m mainly concerned about my teenage boys and their safety at night. But I still love living in Howick and how supportive the community is.”

John and Fran Riggir, east Auckland residents for 60 years:
John: “It’s not as safe as it was. We only go out during the day and hardly go out at night. We make sure we always take care and are always aware of our surroundings. We feel much safer indoors.”
Paul McCoy, east Auckland resident for two decades:
“Yes, we have lived here for over 20 years and generally feel pretty safe in east Auckland. Well, at least in this part [Howick] we do!”
Rona Marsh, has lived in east Auckland since 1967:
“I think it’s pretty safe in Howick, but not so much at nights. Other than that, it’s a safe area. It’s definitely safer here than anywhere else.”
- Compiled by Bo Burns and Bianca Day, AUT Journalism Student