The Government has just passed the one-year anniversary mark of its three-party coalition. PJ TAYLOR strolled the expansive spaces of the welcoming Ormiston Town Centre shopping precinct and asked people how they thought the Government is doing.
Anika Bailey, Taranaki visitor
“I grew up speaking te reo with my iwi and on the marae. I advocate for more te reo language use. It is disappointing the Government has come in and is making changes.”
Lovish Sapra, of Flat Bush
“There have been improvements happening – law and order, stricter things, and they have to keep going implementing with their plans that include everyone in mind.”
Hassan Zahid, business operator
“They’re doing pretty good. Businesspeople need support. If businesses don’t get support, where do people get jobs from? Interest and tax rates need to keep coming down.”

Mark Moody, of Flat Bush
“The country voted for change and the Government is trying to do what’s necessary. The last Government was overspending and this one had a mess to clean up.”
Peter Maxted, of Otara
“This tory government has come in and they’ve done what they said they would. It’s taking a long time to come out of this economic slump. There’s a way to go yet.”
Paula Mason, of Dannemora
“I’m doing all right, but I’m retired. Things are okay for me. I do feel for other people about the economic situation. It’s also noticeable the shops are quiet in a lot of places.”