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Sunnyhills School, the primary where the sun shines all the time because it’s in Sunnyhills, celebrates its 55th jubilee in 2025. PJ TAYLOR, with the school’s and parents’ permission, asked students what they’re learning for the anniversary.
Madeleine Kearns, 8, Year 4
“The 55th jubilee is like a school birthday. Lots of mums and dads and families will be coming here to visit and celebrate.”
Audrey Henderson, 8, Year 4
“Sunnyhills School started in 1970. My mum and uncle came here as students. I really like learning and playing with my friends.”
Luca Sutherland, 8, Year 4
“Sunnyhills School opened in 1970, and we have been looking through old photographs and working out in what decades they were taken.”

Lakyn Church, 8, Year 4
“In our class, we have been looking at the old photos and have been working out where in the school they were taken.”
Ranger Davis, 8, Year 4
“Our theme for this year 2025 is in te reo Maori language: ‘Titiro whakamuri, kokiri whakamua’.”
Octavia Everest, 8, Year 4
“The English language translation for our theme is: ‘Look back and reflect, so you can move forward together’.”
- To read about the school’s plans for the jubilee, read: