Friday, March 7, 2025

Rare blue super moon wows

Times photographer Wayne Martin snapped this moody shot of the rare blue super moon visible in the night sky above east Auckland.

According to the Stardome Observatory: “The end of August will bring a blue super moon to our skies, meaning it is the second super full moon to appear in a single calendar month.

“The super moon, which will appear in our skies this Thursday (August 31), will also be the biggest and brightest of any in 2023.

“While a blue moon occurs once every two to three years, one that coincides with a super moon is a rarer phenomena.

“The last blue super moon occured in 2009, and the next won’t be until 2032.

“A super moon itself is when a full moon occurs very near the moon’s closest point to Earth in its orbit, making the moon appear brighter and larger than average.”

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