Tuesday, April 1, 2025

Ross: Fuel tax to solve Council’s runaway costs

New legislation from the Government today means all Auckland motorists will be taxed 10 cents a litre more in just three months’ time, National’s Transport Spokesperson, Jami-Lee Ross says.

“The last thing Aucklanders need is a new fuel tax making it more expensive to get to work, school, or around their neighbourhoods.

“The problem with Labour’s new fuel tax is that it is not necessary. This Government is just letting Auckland Council off the hook for its runaway costs.

“Auckland Council’s spending has increased by around $800 million over the last four years. The increase in its wage bill alone over this time is more than the fuel tax would raise in its first year.

“Phil Twyford and Grant Robertson’s solution is to let Auckland Council tax its way out of this problem.

“Auckland Council should be tightening its own spending before being handed the ability to tax motorists.

“Labour has promoted its policy as an ‘Auckland Fuel Tax’, but this Bill also opens up the ability for other regions around New Zealand to introduce fuel taxes in a few years’ time.

“This legislation will encourage the same tax-and-spend behaviour at the local level as we’re seeing from this Government.

“Unlike other new taxes Labour is proposing there is no standard select committee process, not even a working group, given the timeline Phil Twyford is working to.”

“Soon Labour will have a new way to tax New Zealanders all around the country,” Mr Ross says.

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