Saturday, March 29, 2025

Ross offers proxy vote to Nats

Jami-Lee Ross’ letter to the Chief Whip.

Rogue MP Jami-Lee Ross – now an independent – has this afternoon tweeted that he has assigned his proxy vote to the National Party from which he has become estranged.

Ross, who was expelled from the National Party following a very acrimonious and public dispute, tweeted today: “I appreciate all the recent messages of support. I was well looked after by the fantastic people at Middlemore, and grateful for their care.

“On medical advice I remain on leave, but have given National my proxy vote to ensure Botany continues to be represented in Parliament.”

He included on his tweet a copy of a letter he has sent to National Party Chief Whip Barbara Kuriger he sent via email.

It reads: “To enhance the maintenance of the proportionality of political party representation in Parliament as determined by electors, I write to provide my proxy vote to the National Party as follows: “I, Jami-Lee Ross MP, hereby assign my proxy vote to the National Party whips, until this proxy is revoked, to be exercised at all times in support of the vote of the National Party.”

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