- By Simeon Brown, MP for Pakuranga and National Party Spokesperson for Transport, Public Services and Auckland
With the election now over and the final results declared, I am honoured to have been re-elected as your local MP for Pakuranga.
The last six years as your MP have been a privilege and I am grateful to have earned your trust to continue representing you for the next three years.
One of my favourite parts of being an MP is the many community and cultural events and celebrations of people and organisations doing incredible things.
Just last week, I joined the Pakuranga Rotary Club as they commemorated their 50th anniversary of serving our community by unveiling a new sculpture on the Rotary Walkway.
The walkway is used by hundreds of locals every day and this sculpture is a fantastic addition to the scenic view along the Tamaki River. Congratulations to Pakuranga Rotary and thank you for all you do!
While I greatly enjoy getting out in our community to attend events like these, meet local people, and take in all that makes this part of New Zealand so special, there are two other important parts of my role that perhaps aren’t as visible.
The first is in how I represent you and the concerns of our community in Parliament. It is my job to ensure that what matters to you also matters to those making decisions that affect you.
Whether this takes the form of advocacy for greater investment into our local infrastructure, ensuring the traffic keeps moving on Pakuranga Road, or speaking up on issues like rising crime and poor access to public services, I always strive to make sure Pakuranga’s voice is heard.
This is why I encourage you to get in touch if you ever wish to raise an issue with me that you feel is important to our community.
The second is in how I can help you on an individual basis if you are faced with issues when dealing with public service departments, like Work and Income (WINZ) or Immigration NZ.
While MPs do not have the power to direct these agencies or their staff, we can advocate on your behalf to help cut through some of the red tape and get you the assistance you need.
My office deals with hundreds of local constituents each year who come to us needing help, and we will always do our best to sort things out for you.
If you ever need some help or would like to pass on your concerns about a local or national issue, please get in touch. My office is located at 120A Pakuranga Road, and you can either call 572 0000 or email me at PakurangaMP@parliament.govt.nz.
Thank you again for all your support and for giving me the opportunity to serve and represent you as your MP for Pakuranga.