The Times’ server was hacked into last week.
The cyber attack – which coincides with attacks on several servers of large Kiwi organisations – meant Times computers were out for a day.
Cyber attacks – DDoS (distributed denial of service) – were targeted at ANZ, NZ Post, Kiwibank, MetService and the Ministry for Primary Industries.
The Times managing director Reay Neben is thankful no data was lost or compromised.
“This past month has been difficult enough trying to operate under Level 4 lockdown but last week our operation was hacked,” she said.
“When all the banks and big organisations were having cyber issues our system went down as well. This happened a few years ago too and we then had to pay a ransom to get our files back.
“Luckily this cyber-attack happened after our back-ups were completed but, nevertheless, both the cloud and server files took over 24 hours to become operational.
“We think our Times name makes the hackers think we are a huge organisation but the results are the same and that’s to cause havoc which they certainly did to us. Our IT people Imagetext were amazing.”