Black Caps star Glenn Philips – out of the Pakuranga Cricket Club – was named Internationalist of the Year at the Howick Sports Awards 2021 on Thursday.
The awards evening, held at Pakuranga United Rugby Club, went “really well”, said awards organiser, Pakuranga United Rugby Club operations manager Amanda Dyason. Around 160 people attended.
“Olympian boardsailor Barbara Kendall – who was raised in Bucklands Beach – was a great speaker and was lovely having her parents their too as well as Bruce (also an Olympian),” Dyason said.
“Hearing her challenges to get to the Olympics was a surprise for most in the audience as is her persistence to never let anyone feel like they lost because they win Olympic silver like she was made to feel.
“Wendy Meyer again did an excellent job as MC and the stand-out winners for me were Revill’s Boxing Gym as Club of the Year, Howick Pakuranga Hockey Premier Men’s as Team of the Year and (cricketer) Glenn Philips as Internationalist of the Year. He wasn’t in attendance as he playing cricket in the UK.
“There are so many talented individuals in our community.”
Service to Sport and Volunteers were both categories in which all recipients were acknowledged. Porterhouse Grill in Pakuranga sponsored vouchers for the 11 volunteers awards.
Howick Local Board chair Adele White said, “What an honour it was for members of our Board to acknowledge the talent of our local sports people, and those coaches, administrators and volunteers who support our many sports clubs.
“We never fail to be amazed at the level of talent and commitment of the nominees at this annual event.”
Howick Sports Awards 2021 finalists and winners
Sportsman of the Year
Andrew Morrison
Howick Pakuranga Cricket Club
Wendell Stanley
Revills Boxing Gym
Kheva Potatau
Revills Boxing Gym
WINNER: Matthew Sinclair
Loaded Touch
Nat Turner
Loaded Touch
Sportswoman of the Year
WINNER: Amberly Parr
Howick Pakuranga Cricket Club
Coach of the Year
WINNER: Waisake Sotutu
Howick College
Mark Hodson
Howick College
Clive Daniels
Howick Pakuranga Hockey Club
Lance Revill
Revill’s Boxing Gym
Masters of the Year
WINNER: Steph Hoek
Mountain Raiders BMX
Service to Sport
Robyn Garner
Howick Pakuranga Netball Centre
Eddie Erik
Howick Pakuranga Netball Centre
Pauline Coultas
Howick Pakuranga Netball Centre
Official of the Year
WINNER: Seuseu Family
Pakuranga United Touch
Paul Burns
Fencibles United AFC
Club of the year
Howick Pakuranga Baseball Club
Howick Gymnastic Club
Howick Pakuranga Hockey Club
WINNER: Revill’s Boxing Club and Youth Academy
Mountain Raiders BMX
Galaxy Touch
Junior Team of the Year
Premier Mixed Touch
Howick College
WINNER: Premier Girls Rugby 7s
Howick College
MU20 NZ Road Relay Championship Team
Pakuranga Athletic Club
Team of the Year
WINNER: Premier Men
Howick Pakuranga Hockey Club
Birthcare Ladies Caro Bowl Team
Bucklands Beach Tennis Club
Junior Sportsman of the Year
Avraham Briones
Howick College
Demetrius Kilisimasi
Howick College
Daniel Neilson
Howick College
WINNER: Christian de Vaal
Pakuranga Athletic Club
Nicholas Rooney
Fencibles United AFC
Jack Chapman
Bucklands Beach Tennis Club
Junior Sportswoman of the Year
WINNER: Luisa Togotogorua
Howick College
Abby Lockhart
Howick College
Isabella Vukich
Howick College
Demi-Lee Morris
Howick College
Shelby Morris
Howick College
Imogen Barlow
Pakuranga Athletic Club
Lize-Mari Beer
Bucklands Beach Tennis Club
Administrator of the Year
Anna Findlay
Howick Pakuranga Baseball Club
Bridget McLaren
Howick Gymnastic Club
WINNER: Jeannine Melville
Fencibles United AFC
Primary/Intermediate School of the Year
WINNER: Bucklands Beach Intermediate
Volunteer of the Year
Cezanne Powell
Howick Rhythmics
Tim Nelson
Howick College
Jun Gamiao
Howick College
Chris Dyke
Howick College
Jason Mitchell
Howick Pakuranga Baseball Club
Stephen Holmes
Pakuranga Athletic Club
Michelle Savusa
Pakuranga Tennis Club
Derek Ready
Fencibles United AFC
Peter Donnelly
Pakuranga United Rugby Club
Diane Coultas
Howick Pakuranga Netball Centre
Brett Clarke
Bucklands Beach Tennis Club
Internationalist of the Year
WINNER: Glenn Phillips
Howick Pakuranga Cricket Club
Brooke Halliday
Howick Pakuranga Cricket Club
Matthew Sinclair
Pakuranga United Touch
Nat Turner
Pakuranga United Touch