Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Warning after motorcyclist deaths

Police have issued a safety warning to motorists following the recent deaths of two motorcyclists in separate crashes.

Senior Sergeant Stephen Richards, Area Prevention Manager, Counties Manukau East said police have been out in force last week emphasising the importance of making safe decisions on local roads.

“Over the past two months four lives have been lost on roads in the Counties Manukau East area and we urge all motorists to be mindful of basic road safety rules to help ensure everyone is safe,” he said.

“Two of the four people that lost their lives were riding motorcycles and police remind motorcyclists of their added vulnerability on our roads.”

One motorcyclist died on Ti Rakau Drive on Wednesday, October 25, following a crash involving a bus. Another motorcyclist was killed a week before that, on October 18, in Stancombe Rd near the Fo Guang Shan Temple.

Motorcycle riders are the highest-risk group on New Zealand roads, being 19 times more likely to be killed or injured than car drivers over the same distance travelled (NZ Household Travel Survey, 2009-2013 data).

“To reduce crashes that involve motorcycles, we need motorists to be extra vigilant and make safe decisions on our roads.

Motorists should always look out for motorcycles and need to be extra cautious when turning right and when pulling out at intersections.”

Extra care when making these manoeuvres could help prevent a crash involving a motorcycle.

“Our focus is on engaging with motorcycle riders to raise their awareness around safety and remind them of their vulnerability,” he said.

“All road users should respect each other and be aware that they each have responsibilities to uphold.

Police urge motorcyclists to take extra care by following some basic safety rules:

  •  Have the appropriate licence and the correct size of motorcycle for it.
  •  Ensure your motorcycle is registered, warranted and in safe working condition.
  •  Wear the right safety clothing and footwear. No bare skin or jandals!
  • Wear an approved safety helmet.
  • If you are riding a motorcycle that was manufactured on or after January 1, 1980, the headlight must be switched on at all times when on the road.
  • Ensure you comply with any conditions of a graduated (learner or restricted) drivers’ licence.
  • Visit the website  www.rideforever.co.nz for tips and training on riding motorcycles safely and improve your skills.
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