Sunday, March 9, 2025

Weet-Bix Kids TRYathlon returns

More than 2500 kids from across Auckland will be swimming, biking and running their way to the finish line at Point England Reserve next month.

The Sanitarium Weet-Bix Kids TRYathlon series is back in full force this season and setting the stage for the next generation of Kiwi champions.

More than 2500 kids from across Auckland will be swimming, biking and running their way to the finish line at Point England Reserve and will be awarded a special medal by their Kiwi sporting heroes.

The event kicks off with a free breakfast of Weet-Bix and Anchor Lite Milk at the Weet-Bix Better Brekkie Breakfast tent.

Registrations for 6 – 15-year-olds are open now until 9am, February 10 at tryathlon.co.nz or kids can enter the Sanitarium Weet-Bix Kids TRY Challenge to complete a personal challenge anytime, anywhere at trychallenge.co.nz

  • Sanitarium Weet-Bix Kids TRYathlon, 9am, Sunday, February 12, Point England Reserve, Point England.
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