Friday, March 28, 2025



Parmar: Fairer, more realistic wage rules

By Parmjeet Parmar, Pakuranga-based ACT List MP A positive change for employers (and for the cost of living) is now in effect. The Accredited Employer...

Brown: Boost for primary care means seeing GP faster

By Simeon Brown, Member of Parliament for Pakuranga, and Health Minister The Government is delivering on its commitment to fix New Zealand’s broken healthcare...

Public Opinion: Council annual plans

The Auckland Council and Howick Local Board released their respective proposed annual plans for 2025/2026 last week to residents and ratepayers for feedback. PJ...

Light: We’ve got our emergency plan in place, do you?

By Damian Light, Howick Local Board chairperson As Benjamin Franklin once said, “if you fail to plan, you’re planning to fail”, and when it...

Brown: Pharmac funding decision increases medicines access

By Simeon Brown, Member of Parliament for Pakuranga There’s been some good news from Pharmac this month. The agency has announced its decision to fund...

‘Mortgage relief welcome, but we can do better’

By Parmjeet Parmar, Pakuranga-based ACT List MP Every night on the 6pm news, the political media in Wellington seems to focus on a different...

We need your input so we can deliver

By Damian Light, Howick Local Board chairperson From Friday, February 28, until Friday, March 28, public consultation will be open on the proposed annual...

Luxon: Interest rates are coming down

By Christopher Luxon, Prime Minister and MP for Botany For many Kiwis, the past few years have been challenging. High interest rates, inflation, and the...

Public Opinion: Sunnyhills School’s 55th jubilee

Sunnyhills School, the primary where the sun shines all the time because it’s in Sunnyhills, celebrates its 55th jubilee in 2025. PJ TAYLOR, with...

Dog Rescue Pets

Cartoonist Roger Smith's on people who adopt pets without realising what they are getting into.

Dr Reti

Cartoonist Roger Smith's on the new Minister of Science, Dr Reti

Auckland Arts Festival

Cartoonist Roger Smith's on Auckland Arts Festival that will start on March 6.

NZ Defence Force

Cartoonist Roger Smith's on the big plans for the NZ Defence budget

Crusher Collins Navy Champion

  Cartoonist Roger Smith's on the Chinese warships in the Tasman

Aliens Asteroid

Cartoonist Roger Smith's on the subject of asteroids.
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