Monday, March 31, 2025

International karate master visits Howick

Photos and story by Wayne Martin

Local students of Japan Karate Association (JKA) NZ were honored last weekend with a visit from the highest-ranked instructor of the Shotokan style, 10th DanShihan (master) Masaaki Ueki.

Travelling from his home in Tokyo, Japan, Shihan Ueki was in New Zealand for International Gasshuku – an ancient term for intensive training together – and examination. Two hundred karatekas (practitioners of karate) from Japan, Germany, India and across New Zealand attended the training programs in Auckland and Timaru.

The Auckland session was spread over two days in Howick College’s gymnasium. Travelling with Shihan Ueki was New Zealand’s chief instructor, Sensei Karl Naoroji, who upon arrival at Howick College welcomed Shihan with a speech in Japanese, followed by a rousing powhiri performed by representatives of the many iwi of the Tamaki region who also proudly presented Shihan Ueki with a mere pounamu (or patu pounamu), a greenstone weapon revered by Maori.

The program continued over the weekend with a total of eight training seminars comprising JKA basic katas, (forms or patterns) senior black belt katas and kumite (sparring) drills.

The intense Gasshuku concluded late on Sunday with members leaving with fond memories and a wealth of knowledge gained from this great JKA master.

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