Tuesday, April 1, 2025

Ahem, that’s not quite right; Bailey bridges aren’t new

The new bridge is being slowly pushed across the Tamaki River as part of the $1.4b Eastern Busway. Times photo Wayne Martin

I see on Times Online you mentioned the Pakuranga bus bridge being pushed out as being a first.

This is strictly incorrect as that is how Bailey bridges were assembled from the 1940s here in New Zealand.

In fact, the bridge just out of Kawakawa was of this construction and assembly, as was the one closer to home down in Waitakaruru along with many many more.

These were assembled, by and large, by the Ministry of Works (God bless the MOW and all who sailed in her).

If you Google Watch a video of a Bailey bridge installation at Danseys Pass, Waitaki District, you will see one being constructed.

Keep up the good work of your paper, I look forward to it each week.

Don Mackereth
Technical Civil Engineer

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