Monday, January 27, 2025

Building consents

It has surprised me to see some infill housing developments that are significantly out of keeping with the neighbourhood where the development is occurring. In addition and possibly more importantly, building consents being granted by Auckland Council where there are multiple areas in which the development does not comply with the Unitary Plan. The classic case is in Chapel Road, Howick, where a single dwelling was removed from a 3470m2 site and approval has been given for 28 dwellings. On reading the consent, the words “Do Not Comply” appear no fewer than 10 times in areas covering building height, access, adverse effects on neighbours, outdoor yard areas, total building coverage, outdoor living space etc. In addition, only 21 of these have a garage and the remaining seven have secure uncovered parking for a bicycle. There is no visitor parking available including on the street outside the development. I am totally mystified how a development with so many issues can gain a consent with no notification. One wonders!!!

Kind Regards

James Williams, Concerned Citizen

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