Saturday, January 25, 2025

Climate calamity

Thank you Ryan Price [You’re missing the point, Times, May 3).

You make many good points. The one that stands out for me is the deceitful ideas of climate calamity that have largely been accepted by society and our politicians.

Gas and petrol are the nation’s cheapest energy fuels and when energy prices increase, everything becomes more expensive, not just groceries. It affects the economy.

Gas is the cheapest energy resource we have in New Zealand and we should be delivering to the people and to industry. It’s our natural resources.

The truth is the climate is doing its usual ups and downs and we do not have human hands controlling that steering wheel.

Fortunately, we do know the wise and powerful hands that do. I’m reminded of Noah’s worldwide flood some 4250 years ago which was determined by those same hands.

Ian George, Howick

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